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Chuter Ede

Primary School

"Valuing everyone and aiming for our best"


                 Spring Term              


What toy would you like to invent?

We will be learning all about toys this half term. The children have been busy finding out about old and new toys. We have borrowed a special toy box from the museum to look at a variety of toys. In English, we will be looking at Traction Man, Toy story, Kippers Toybox and non-fiction books. In history, we will be looking at how toys have changed. In Science, we will be experimenting with toys that float and sink. In D.T and Art, we are going to be making a moving toy.

( Thank you for all the boxes that you have been sending in!)




Spring 2 


Who is Julia Donaldson? 


During the second half of the spring term, we will look at the author Julia Donaldson and explore lots of books she has written. We would be grateful if you have any Julia Donaldson books you can bring in for us to have a look at. Some of the books we will be covering are:



The Smartest Giant in Town

Room on the Broom

The Gruffalo (one of our favourites!)


We will be making our own Gruffalo Crumble and learning about health and safety when cooking. 






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