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Chuter Ede

Primary School

"Valuing everyone and aiming for our best"


This week we are starting to look at a non-fiction text called

Voices of the Rainforest

We would like you to share the information text with a grown up. You could -

  • talk about how it is presented.
  • Look up any words if you are unsure of their meaning.
  • Talk about words that you like.
  • Look carefully at the illustrations and think about why the author/illustrator has used them.
  • Think about the “headings.”
  • Look at the different text types.


Now you have explored some pages from ‘Voices of the Rainforest’, we would like you to create some questions about the text to ask your friends who are also working at home...

We have put some information sheets about “Comprehension Questions” that will help you to think of some great questions.

Then we thought it would be great if you could send us an email with a photo of your questions so that we can share them on the “Home Learning Page” and your friends could have a go at answering your questions!!

Violet and Rose have already been busy thinking about questions to ask from this text.  Here are their questions.  Send us an email if you find any of the answers while you are sharing Voices of the Rainforest......and we'll let them know how you got on with their questions!
Now if it takes your fancy to have a go at a quick reading comprehension yourself, perhaps to get in the frame for writing questions, you might like to enjoy this one about Pythons... and learn a few extra facts as you read.  There are 3 different layouts for this task, so you can choose the one which suits you best.
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