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Chuter Ede

Primary School

"Valuing everyone and aiming for our best"

Visions and Values

Be Chuter Ede!

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Find our more about our school values.


Mission Statement: “Valuing Everyone and Aiming for our Best”  


Why are these our values?

All of these values link to our mission statement. When we value everyone, we give everyone what they need and this looks different for different people. It also means we include everyone. Aiming for our best means being aspirational and believing we can achieve highly. Kindness is key at Chuter Ede and not only do we encourage kindness between all members of the school community, we also promote kindness to self.


EQUITABLE- Being fair and equal with everyone is important to us. We know that equality and equity are different and we use the image above to represent this point.


INCLUSIVE- We want everyone to feel like they belong and are part of our school community no matter what. We welcome all pupils and aim to meet the needs of all learners.


ASPIRATIONAL- Our local area has a history of low social mobility . A Social Mobility Commission report on social mobility in November 2017 identified our local district as one of the least socially mobile areas in the country. It is crucial that we are aspirational for our children and promote the message that they can work hard, be    successful and aim high.


KIND- Showing kindness every day at Chuter Ede is one of the most important things we do. Being kind to ourselves and others is of utmost priority to us.




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