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Chuter Ede

Primary School

"Valuing everyone and aiming for our best"

Sports Premium

Sports Premium at Chuter Ede 2018-19

School Games Platinum Award 2021-22 and 2022-23

School Games Gold 2018-19

Sainsburys School Games GOLD 2017-18

Sainsburys School Games GOLD 2016-17

Sainsburys School Games GOLD AWARD for 2015-16 (Awarded Sept 2016)

SILVER SSG ACHIEVEMENT 2014-15 (Awarded October 2015)

SportsLeadersUK Award

In June 2015, SportsLeadersUK presented our primary school with 2nd place in Primary School of the Year.  This recognised all the hard work our children, staff and parents put into a wide range of sport across our school and to develop young leaders.



HUGE CONGRATUALATIONS to Lucy M for being shortlisted for Sports Leaders UK Young Leader Trophy.  Also, CONGRATULATIONS to our whole school who have been shortlisted for Primary School of the Year.


We attended the awards on Thursday 11th June at The House of Lords.  What an achievement!

ASAP Sport Kitemark Achieved at Chuter Ede

ASAP Sports Kitemark Logo achieved at Chuter Ede Sept 2014

In February 2014, we began collecting our evidence of sport and PE across the school to apply for the Sports Kitemark through Activate Sport.  In June 2014 this was sent to be assessed and we received news in September 2014 that we had been successful in gaining this sporting kitemark.


ASAP - stands for the Association of Sport and Activity Providers.

ASAP work with organisations and individuals across the UK to help deliver high quality and safe sports instruction.
ASAP works with people delivering sports instruction to help them understand and devise risk management  and safe practise tools.
The ASAP approval means that coaches/teaching staff working in a setting are suitably qualified, understand risk and how to manage it. Organisations are investing in CPD for staff and that curricula is age appropriate and caters for all ability levels.
The ASAP award for schools means that they are thinking about every aspect of PE delivery in their school and meeting expectations in the following:
  • Risk management
  • CPD for school staff
  • Qualified coaches delivering sessions
  • Creating a curriculum for all ability levels
  • Have a PE policy and mission statement in place
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