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Chuter Ede

Primary School

"Valuing everyone and aiming for our best"

English Week 2 There is a Rumble in the Jungle

Rumble in the Jungle

Click the link and listen to the poems in the book. 

Possible Activities this week - 


1. Which is your favourite poem and why?


2. Choose a poem can you make a list of adjectives? What is an adjective?


3. Can you find any words that rhyme?


4. Can you copy a poem in your neatest handwriting and present it beautifully? 

You might even be able to learn it off by heart. Please remember to send pictures of your lovely poems. 


5. Go to

Read and find out more about tigers. Our Class Tiger. 

You can write some facts down that you remember. I learnt lots from reading this book. If you click on the pencil you have an activity to do and if you click on the eye you can find out more. 

PS (Parents you may need to login but it is easy and free!!!) 


If you want to do anything else linked to this book we would love to see it. 


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