Safeguarding is at the core of our practice at Chuter Ede Primary School. We adopt the Nottinghamshire County and Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Children's Partnership, Child Protection Policy. This outlines the guiding principles, duties and procedures that we follow in order to safeguard our children.
Our designated safeguarding leads (DSLs):
- Senior DSL: Mrs Bernadette Hunter (Head Teacher)
- Deputy DSL: Mrs Rachel Revill (Head of School)
- Deputy DSL: Mr T Head (Head of School)
- Mrs Rachel Barnard (SENCo)
- Mrs Helen Adwick (Assistant Head)
- Mrs Amy Wilson (Assistant SENCo)
- Mrs Louise Allen
- Mrs Lindsay Follen
If you have any safeguarding concerns, please contact one of our DSLs via the school office.
The whole child
We offer a broad and balanced curriculum, that encourage the wider development of our pupils. Our children are supported to become confident, articulate people who understand and experience positive relationships. RSE is systematically and progressively taught through story, in an age appropriate and robust manner. Our school values permeate school life and our children understand mutual respect.
Support when you need it
We have two, full time, ELSA practitioners in school. ELSA is a recognised accreditation and practitioners work under the supervision of Educational Psychologists from NCC. Our ELSAs support children who we believe will benefit from time and gentle guidance to explore aspects of their emotional self. This may be due to a significant life event or because a need has been identified by home or school. Our ELSAs work in a variety of ways - sometimes one to one, sometimes with small groups and at other times they lead class lessons or deliver assemblies. Each of our two sites has a dedicated ELSA room and all of our children love to visit!
Following blocks of ELSA intervention, we are able to refer to outside agencies for further support with mental health related concerns.
Honest and respectful relationships between all members of our school community, is something that we believe is central to our work at Chuter Ede. Such strong, positive relationships enable us to engage in conversations that can be difficult. We are clear that such communication is a necessary part of our safeguarding duty and is always focused around the best interests of our children.
Our pupils are happy and safe in school. Relationships with each other are strong and staff members are trusted. Children know that they are listened to and believed.
Staff are trained and receive regular updates in relation to child protection, safeguarding and statutory duties. Staff seek support from DSLs whenever they have a concern. We use an online, secure system called Safeguard, to record concerns and subsequent actions. Staff know how to contact MASH and understand the function of the Local Area Designated Officer (LADO).