Welcome to Year 5!
We hope you have had a fantastic summer holiday! We have lots of exciting things for you to learn about and can't wait to get started! This page will give you lots of useful information about our curriculum and learning.
Firstly meet the teachers.
This year, the teachers in Year 5 are:
Balderton site
Mrs Lee - Y5GL
Mrs Lile - Y5KL
Fernwood site
Mrs Newman - Y5RN
If you have any questions, you can contact us on our class email addresses:
Mrs Lee - year5gl@chuterede.notts.sch.uk
Mrs Lile - year5kl@chuterede.notts.sch.uk
Mrs Newman - year5rn@chuterede.notts.sch.uk
Autumn Term 2022
The Year 5 team would like to welcome everyone back to a very exciting term!
We hope you have had a great summer holiday and managed to find plenty of time to relax and enjoy the fabulous weather we have had.
In our English lessons we are going to be reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J.K.Rowling and use this fabulous novel to help us improve our writing skills by describing and comparing characters, writing letters, newspaper reports and instructions. After half term, we will move on to reading the book Diver's Daughter A Tudor Story by Patrice Lawrence. In this thrilling adventure on real events, Patrice Lawrence shows us a fascinating and rarely seen world.
After half term, a lot of our learning will be focusing on the Tudors. We will be looking at what evidence tells us about the people of this fascinating period of history and consider the impact this period of history has had on our lives today.
Many of our Art and Design lessons will be cross curricular as we will be sketching images based on ideas from J.K.Rowling books and we will explore and sketch some of the monarchs from the Tudor period.
In Maths, we will be developing our place value knowledge and learn to: read, write and order numbers to 1,000,000; round numbers to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, 100,00 and 1,000,000; improve our mental and written strategies to add and subtract whole numbers which have more than 4 digits; multiples and common multiples; multiplying and dividing by 10,100 and 1,000; find equivalent fractions to unit and non-unit fractions; convert improper fractions to mixed number and vice versa; compare fractions and add and subtract fractions from a mixed number.
Our Science topic this term will be Properties and Changes of Materials. In this topic we will compare different types of materials; investigate thermal conductors and insulators; investigate electrical conductors; investigate materials which dissolve, use different processes to separate mixtures and identify and explain irreversible and chemical changes.
In Geography, we are learning all about the features of rivers. This knowledge will prove useful when we go on our residential in the Spring term to Whitby.
Year 5 Expectations and Homework
In Year 5, we have high expectations for all children and aim for them to reach their full potential in all areas. Developing their independence and a positive attitude to learning is key here; children should arrive at school on time, always come to a lesson with the right equipment, read every night (we expect that an adult will date and sign their diary to say that they have read, either independently or to you- our weekly reading reward system is linked to this), wear the correct uniform (including for PE), complete any homework carefully and in the time given.
These key skills are a vital part of the personal progress we want all children to make in Year 5 and they underpin their success academically, socially and emotionally.
We encourage all children to engage fully with homework, which supports the development of an increasingly independent and positive attitude to learning. There is a break-down of the core subject objectives on this letter and on the Year 5 Website page.
Reading every night- adult to sign their diary
Times Table Rockstars – Please continue to practise your timetables daily, using TT Rockstars.
Spellings - weekly set of words given.
At certain times throughout the year, we will set a topic based home project.