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Welcome to

Chuter Ede

Primary School

"Valuing everyone and aiming for our best"


Welcome to Chuter Ede Primary School


Thank you for visiting Chuter Ede Primary School's Website. Chuter Ede is a large Primary School set on two sites in both Balderton and Fernwood villages on the southern edge of Newark. The Balderton site houses 420 pupils aged 4+ to 11 (two form entry) whilst the site at Fernwood currently has 210 pupils (one form entry). In terms of teaching, planning, learning and assessment, we treat the schools together as three form entry. 


The school offers a wide range of facilities and activities for its c.630 pupils.  The Balderton site also houses Balderton pre-school and Acorns breakfast, after school and holiday club. Fernwood Village has an independently owned private nursery. The Fernwood  breakfast and after school club operate from the Fernwood school Site.


Visitors are always welcome to see for themselves the learning opportunities and services we provide for our pupils and wider community. Chuter Ede Primary School believes whole heartedly in a positive and fruitful three way partnership between the school, our pupils and our parents/carers. We have an 'open door policy' which means we are always available to discuss any matters with you. We have many exciting things happening in our school at any given time so please browse our website to find out what's going on at the moment at Chuter Ede.


If you wish to know more about any aspect of school life, including our curriculum then please either contact myself or your child's class teacher.

Mrs Hunter



SchoolApp set up for parents

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