Home Page

Welcome to

Chuter Ede

Primary School

"Valuing everyone and aiming for our best"

FACE - Fernwood Association of Chuter Ede



Welcome to our FACE page.  We are the Fernwood Association of Chuter Ede and we were established just over a year ago.  We arrange events throughout the school year to help raise money for school.  We have so far bought a wooden chalet as an extra room to be used for group work and a sun shelter for the field to provide some shade in the Summer months.


Our next meeting will be on Thursday 20th September at 6pm, where we will be doing some light refreshments to welcome new parents and any new members who would like to join us.


Wear a kit to buy a kit.

Future events

Coffee morning - Friday 15th June am. Thank you.  We raised £175.

Sports Day - Tuesday 10th June am. Details to follow.

Leavers Party - Date to be confirmed and details to follow.  Letter has now been distributed to our Year 6 class with all the details.




Coffee Morning


Thank you to everyone that contributed to our first coffee morning of this school year.  There really was some delicious cakes available and we was spoilt for choice.

Final total raised £268.92 

We've had 3 3 2 9 2 6 visitors