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Chuter Ede

Primary School

"Valuing everyone and aiming for our best"

English Week 6 Dear Zoo

Week 6 

All about Dear Zoo this week and thinking about a visit to the zoo. 


Watch Dear Zoo if you don't have the book use the link above.

Maybe you could have a go at your own version. 

Which animal would you want to get from the zoo? 



You could continue with your book 

or you could go and have a look on the Twycross Zoo website.

Or look at the interactive map.



Can you read the leaflet and answer the questions?


Thursday and Friday 

Can you create your own zoo and a map to follow?

What would your zoo be called?

What animals would you have there?

What animal would you put next to the lions????????

Don't forget to make it clear and label the animals. 


An example map

We've had 3 3 2 9 1 3 visitors