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Welcome to

Chuter Ede

Primary School

"Valuing everyone and aiming for our best"

Year 6

Friday February 5th 


Hello Year Sixes,


Read to the bottom for news about an exciting day planned for the end of this half term!


It has been great seeing so many of you in the morning catch up meetings. We will be continuing these every day, so make sure you are ready to log on at 10.30. It is nice to see each other during this time, and it also gives us chance to feedback on the work you are doing - looking at anything that might need another explanation, or letting you know what was really good!


Your daily work will be scheduled for 8am each day, so you can start to get on with it before the meeting. 


There are four sessions for each day which should each be approximately an hour long. 

English, Maths, Topic (this could be science, geography, art...) and 'self-directed study' which could be anything you think you would like to do. It might include some fitness (a walk, a bike ride, Joe Wicks' workout for example), some cooking, reading, art, doing a jigsaw, going on TT Rockstars or Read Theory, watching one of the BBC live lessons created specifically for you to learn from home, or anything else that you would enjoy doing. There are no assignments to 'turn in' for this hour, but keep a note of what you have done as we will be chatting about it in our live meetings.


We want to encourage you to keep up your independent reading - lots of you have books at home you can use for this. If you are struggling to know what to read, let us know and we can point you in the right direction.


We want you to keep track of your reading and fill in the chart which you can find on this page and will also be in your Google Classroom on a Monday morning. We need you to turn that in the following Monday and start another one for that week. 


You will be able to watch the SMILE assembly on a Friday too - look out for it in your Classwork. The teachers are nominating children who are at home or at school..... so it could be you!


On Friday 12th February, the last day of the half term, we are planning something a little different - a SMILE day!

Choose at least four activities from the SMILE day grid to complete during the day - that means you can do more than four if you want!

At the end of the day, you just need to tell us what you have enjoyed doing and include any photos, videos or upload any work you have produced. 

There will be no live meeting on this day as you will all be too busy enjoying yourselves!


If you have any problems, do let us know. 

Mrs F, Mrs G and Mrs W xx

Friday 12th Feb SMILE Day

Reading Chart

We've had 3 2 2 3 1 5 visitors
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