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Chuter Ede

Primary School

"Valuing everyone and aiming for our best"

Week 5 - handwriting

Boys and girls we are nearly at the end of our first summer half term! This week, it is time to get your handwriting in check. If you haven't already, take a look at the fine motor page back on the home learning page. There are lots of ideas and activities for keeping your fingers strong there, which will help with your handwriting!



Below are some links we like to help you keep your handwriting looking fab.

Below is a simple sheet with all of our letters on to have a go at practising getting them the right way around. Don't forget to use the arrows to help you know where to start. smiley
If you are after a bit of ICT and handwriting have a go at these links below. They will help you to learn your capital letters and also help improve your keyboard skills.

Why not have a go at copying out one of these poems in your neatest handwriting? Afterwards, you could even have a go at trying to learn the poem using your lovely handwritten copy. laugh


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