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Chuter Ede

Primary School

"Valuing everyone and aiming for our best"

Week 4 22.6.20

Each week we will be running a poll- just for fun!...a 'would you rather' question.

Last week's question was: 

"Would you rather be an astronaut or a deep sea diver?"

The winner of the poll was: A deep sea diver

The best supporting answer was "I want to get pictures of deep sea animals that I've never seen before and I’d like to get a photo of me with a baby dolphin."


This week’s question is.......Would you rather be able to see things that are far away, like binoculars or be able to see things very close up, like a microscope?



Send us an email and let us know supporting your thoughts with at least one reason.

We hope you are really enjoying exploring the rainforest so far!

We know you’ll be excited to delve a little deeper... to get to know some wildlife a little better. 

In fact, it’s quite likely that some of you have already started to build your knowledge quite vigorously in this department!  You might want to continue with this too, so we won’t be adding any more Topic or English links for the next few weeks. 

Please DO NOT feel overwhelmed. We know there’s a lot here (and in Week 3) to keep you busy little rainforest explorers!


Do you remember Mr Seahorse and Eric Carle with his draws full of printed and painted tissue papers? We’re going to use Eric Carle’s Slowly, Slowly, Slowly Said the Sloth story to introduce some of the well known mammals, amphibians, birds and reptiles from among the tropical trees.  We think you’ll like his illustrations and his clever vocabulary.  You can get creative this week with adjectives and animal shaped poems and with lots of crafty and art ideas too.

We're also going to be thinking about the noises animals make - like their speech bubbles.

The star of the show is the SLOTH and you will also find lots of extra sloth-linked activities to enjoy this week. 

William in Mrs Good and Mrs Palethorpe's Class impressed us last week with his Sloth knowledge when he was sorting animals into the correct layers of the rainforest!  Here are two web-links that William shared with us to support his facts that moths and algae live on the fur of the Sloth...and that's why their fur is tinged green.  It helps them with camouflage he told us!

But Sloth might not be the star of your show – you might have your own favourite(s) to research and find out about.  As always, we’d love to learn what you’re up to at home with your emails.


We hope you have a good feel for the topic.  Here is the grid to help give an overview of themed activities.  Activities with a * have a file to support it.  As always, we do have separate Maths (with Maths Gym too) and Spellings under their icons.  

We hope you are happy learning!

If you are ready to embrace the Sloth...try a Sloth wordsearch (one easier and one harder), a Sloth dot-to-dot or some Sloth addition (3 levels of difficulty).
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