Home Page

Welcome to

Chuter Ede

Primary School

"Valuing everyone and aiming for our best"

Year 3



Hello to all Y3!


We hope you are all working hard.  We have loved seeing some of the work you have been doing whilst working away from the 'normal' classroom.


Your work will be set for you on Google Classroom.

Go to   -

Log in with your new email address (your grown ups have this information)


Make sure you log in and complete the work for each day.  We will be checking and marking the work.  There is about 4 hours of work for each day which include the 'extra activities' that have been set for you.  


If you are having problems logging into Google Classroom, you can print the sheets from here - please use GC as your first port of call!  If you are having problems, or can't log in, ask your grown up to contact your teacher or school and we will get it sorted for you.  If you need a printed copy, you can come to the school office to collect a pack of the year 3 work. 


Please don't let anything worry you, we are here to support! 


Happy Learning!

The Year 3 Team x



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