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Chuter Ede

Primary School

"Valuing everyone and aiming for our best"


Are you ready to explore The World with an atlas or a globe?


Can you use the countries and flags document to identify flags around the world as you explore?  You might focus on countries you have heard about in the news, successful football teams, destinations you have been to on holiday or places of interest to you. (You might have been looking at flags last week when you were spotting symmetrical ones). 

The 'read and discuss documents' will allow for supported practical work and discussion.  The work-book is printable and has space for written task completion and a few more 'jobs' to do.

For a little 'lighter' approach - linking our world, to our continent, to our country, to our county, to our city, to our town, to our homes (add in village if you please)...take a look at this document.
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