Home Page

Welcome to

Chuter Ede

Primary School

"Valuing everyone and aiming for our best"

Year 2 - Summer 2nd half term

Thank you... all of you who have taken the time to look at and use the Home Learning Page! We have been so super impressed with the gorgeous work many of you have produced and been very thankful that you have taken the time to share it with us.


We hope you all have a fantastic summer and we look forward to hearing about how well you all do as Year 3's!!


Take care from The Year Two Team

Hello Year 2's.

We really hope you have been enjoying our rain forest topic. 

We have been super impressed with so much of the work we have had the pleasure to look at this half term.  You have worked so incredibly hard and your efforts have not gone unnoticed.  You have all chosen the tasks which suit your style and interests. 


We are proud of our Year 2 Home Learners and we are thankful to the grown-ups too! 


We hope wholeheartedly that you have made some great memories to look back on and share.  We have enjoyed all our phone calls home and all your photos sharing your  activities from baking successes to garden planting achievements, and many more!

We are SO happy that you returned here throughout the weeks to join in with our rain forest topic and to get busy with the tasks we have shared. 

Don't worry if there are tasks from any of the weeks here that you still wish to do - the pages will remain here throughout the summer holidays so that you can continue to be involved if you so wish to.



Follow the link below, sit back and enjoy listening to some of the teachers read you a story!

We thought you would like to read each other's wonderful stories! Thank you so much for writing them and thank you so much for emailing them to us! We really love reading them!

Here are some maths problems that you have shared with us - thank you!

Thank you for continuing to share your work with us! We thought you'd like to have a go at answering each other's Rainforest Questions, so here they are!!

Here is all the amazing work you have all been doing about the Rainforest!! Thank you for sharing it with us!!

Here are some photos of all the lovely things you have been getting up to at home!! Thank you for emailing them to us, they really make us smile!!

A joke to make my friends laugh!

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