Home Page

Welcome to

Chuter Ede

Primary School

"Valuing everyone and aiming for our best"


This week we would like to ask you for a favour!

Just as you will be feeling excited and maybe a little bit nervous about going into year 3, the year 1’s will be feeling the same about coming into year 2.

Would you mind telling them a little bit about what it is like to be in year 2?

You can present this information however you would like. It could be a leaflet, a poster, a letter or a postcard. On paper or on the computer! We’re sure you’ll have lots of ideas!!

Or you may just want to send us a quick email!

You may like to mention your teachers (apart from Mrs Palethorpe moving to Foundation all the other teachers will be the same) the topics we do, what PE and Computing is like, new things you have learnt, trips we have been on and visitors we have had to school, jobs that you may do or responsibilities you may have in the classroom.

We have given you a few templates that you may like to use or you use your own design!

When we receive them we’ll make sure we put them on the year 1 Home Learning Page for the new year 2’s to have a look at.

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