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Welcome to

Chuter Ede

Primary School

"Valuing everyone and aiming for our best"

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!


Our learning theme for Autumn term will be...

What's for tea under the sea?


Our work includes:

* ...exploring food chains.

* ...making a variety of beautiful art work including painting and printing inspired by Eric Carle

* … learning about the life and inventions of Jacques Cousteau and Eugenie Clark.

* ...finding out about all kinds of creatures that live in the seas and oceans- exploring this as a habitat.

* ... locating the oceans and seas around the world.

* ...comparing habitats.

* ...reading a mixture of fiction and non-fiction texts set in the oceans.

* We'll find out all about Victorian schools on history day.

* We may well take a trip to The Deep...






Other topics in year 2 include...


'Which dinosaur would you like as a pet?'


Our work will include:

* ... exploring dinosaur themed books in English.

*... learning all about materials.

*... creating a moving fact page about dinosaurs using levers and sliders.

*... finding out about Mary Anning the famous fossil hunter

*… we might well have a visit from 'Dinostar'

*...learning to draw dinosaurs

*...identifying and classifying dinosaurs.

*… exploring exciting writing inspired by these fabulous texts...





 'What do Neil Armstrong, Peggy Whitson and Dame Maggie Pocock have in common?




Our work will include ...

*... exploring how to keep an astronaut healthy- what do humans need to survive?

* ...learning about the lives of significant people from history.

*… finding out about significant events in history

*… planting, growing and observing bulbs and seeds.

* … lots of measuring and work on time.

*… learning space-themed songs and creating music to go with them.

*… van Gogh's sunflowers

*… writing inspired by these amazing texts...



 'Would you like to live in the Rainforest?


Our work will include ...

*... exploring the similarities and differences between living in Newark and living in a rainforest tribe.

*...learning all about the Brazilian artist Beatriz Milhazes. 

*... learning about amazing rainforest plants and animals

*... exploring the layers of the rainforest.

*... we'll have a sculpture themed art day.



Here are the artists we study in year 2...


Eric Carle, Illustrator

Vincent van Gogh, Painter

Beatriz Milhazes, Brazilian mixed media artist

Andy Goldsworthy, sculptor


 Booklets for Parents

 Maths Links

 English Links

Year 2 Common Exception Words

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