Autumn Term
Autumn 1 Gardeners World
This half term in Year 1 we are learning about gardening, plants, and Autumn. We will plant bulbs, seeds and maybe grow some vegetables.
In English we love to share lots of new books and stories. This half term we will read lots of stories including The Enormous Turnip and Oliver's Vegetables.
We will also share stories about Peter Rabbit and Percy the Park Keeper
We will also be busy learning to read and spell our Year 1 key words.
In Maths we are busy practising our number formation, counting forwards and backwards and beginning to complete calculations.
This term we celebrate Harvest Festival it will be slightly different this year.
Autumn 2 What do birthdays, bonfires and bakers have in common?
Bonfire Night and the Great Fire of London Topics are colourful and exciting and we enjoy making some fantastic artwork. In History we will be learning lots of facts about The Great Fire of London.
In English we will be reading lots of different traditional tales including The Gingerbread Man and Cinderella. This half term in English we will be retelling tales using expression and we will perform one of our stories to Foundation.
Christmas is magical in Year 1. Decorations, cards, calenders and parties are all part of the fun.