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Welcome to

Chuter Ede

Primary School

"Valuing everyone and aiming for our best"

Our School Day

From September 2023 our school day for ALL year groups will be as follows:-

START: 8.45am

FINISH:- 3.15 pm

Total teaching time: 32.5 hours per week.



Registration closes at 9am, 15 minutes after the start time.


A child will be marked as late on the register with an "L" if they arrive after the start time of 8.45am but before 9am.

A child will be marked as late on the register with a "U" if they arrive after the time  register closes which is 9am.


Attendance is monitored and if a child receives regular late marks (either L or U) then this affects their overall attendance data and may trigger involvement from outside support services.


Currently we do not issue families with fines for non-attendance.

This is under review.



If you choose to take a holiday during term time, you will be asked to fill out a holiday form which can be requested at the school office. Unless there are exceptional circumstances, your holiday will not be an authorised absence, and again, continued absence and holiday requests could lead to involvement from outside support services.

If you have any questions regarding holidays, please talk to Hannah in the office at Balderton site or call her on 01636 683550.

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