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Welcome to

Chuter Ede

Primary School

"Valuing everyone and aiming for our best"

Community Information

The Bread and Butter Thing Community Grocery Initiative

Newark Foodbank (Newark Community Support)

To all Newark & Tuxford Foodbank Referral Agencies,
I am pleased to inform you that Newark & Tuxford Foodbank has relocated its food distribution operations from Barnbygate Methodist Church to new premises at

Newark Community Support,
21 Cartergate, Newark,
NG24 1UA

(next door to Argos)

Effective from Tuesday 22nd November.

Please tell any clients you refer to us to come to the new location.

Apart from the change of address all other contact details remain the same. The foodbank will operate from the new premises on the same days and times:

  • Tuesdays 15:00-17:00
  • Fridays 13:00-15:00. 

You may be aware of our intention to set up a Social Supermarket from the new premises in due course. This will not be operational at least until sometime in the New Year. We will provide further details then.
Thank you for your continued support and co-operation.

Newark & Tuxford Foodbank


The Shaw Mind Foundation - Mental Health & Well being support

Stonewall School Champion

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