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Chuter Ede

Primary School

"Valuing everyone and aiming for our best"

Social stories and links to help support your children at home and returning to school

On this page you will find helpful social stories, links and resources to support your children to deal with what is happening.

Keep a record of your time in lockdown with these time capsule sheets- it will be nice to look back at these in years to come

Below are some links to stories on YouTube, read aloud, about worries- you could listen together and talk about the story together. It will help children when thinking about their own worries and how they might deal with them or talk about them:
Here are some more specific resources that might help when at home or returning to school:

Feeling worried? Here is are some stories about how it is okay to feel this way heart

While We Can't Hug

Hedgehog and Tortoise want to give each other a great big hug, but they're not allowed to touch. From the creators of the internationally adored The Hug, Eoi...

Below is a social story about school opening. A social story is a short description of a situation, event or activity written in a child-friendly way providing information about what to expect in a situation and why. They can help children make sense of something.
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