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Chuter Ede

Primary School

"Valuing everyone and aiming for our best"

Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact

Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact at Chuter Ede

Mission Statement: “Valuing Everyone and Aiming for our Best”



At Chuter Ede we value everyone and aim for our best.  We believe that, in valuing everyone, our role is to provide an environment and curriculum that enables everyone to achieve their best.  We aim for high academic achievement, but believe that this is best achieved within a context that supports children to be their best self, emotionally and socially.  We believe that strong, positive relationships between all members of our school and community, are the foundations of success for each child as a whole, rounded individual.


We use the TWINKL PHONICS scheme for early reading.


Curriculum Intent- what we want our pupils to learn 

  • Well-being is key to our curriculum and we adopt a relationships based approach believing that building positive, respectful relationships with our children is conducive to effective learning and success.
  • Substantive and disciplinary knowledge- put simply, substantive knowledge is the “stuff” that we know; the facts, concepts and rules that form the building blocks of subjects. Disciplinary knowledge is best described as the action taken within a particular subject to gain knowledge, the methods that establish the substantive facts, how we gain that substantive knowledge. Disciplinary knowledge refers to the knowledge and skills needed to be, for example, a historian. Thinking like, talking like, working like, recording like a historian.
  • At Chuter Ede, the fundamental British Values of Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance for Those with Different Faiths and Beliefs are woven through the culture and curriculum of our school. Through the curriculum, our children develop skills and attitudes that allow them to positively participate and contribute to life in modern Britain and the wider world
  • We follow and build our school curriculum around the National Curriculum whilst being mindful of giving our children a rich and varied curriculum. Their whole school experience is much broader than the programmes of study within the National Curriculum and we are committed to exposing our pupils to a wider curriculum which focuses on social, emotional, spiritual, health development and personal growth.
  • We place huge value on Sports, the Arts, Life Skills and Music and our curriculum allows for opening up a wealth of opportunities in these areas wherever possible.
  • We recognise the needs of all children and plan and provide opportunities inclusive of those with SEND and those receipt of Pupil Premium which enables every child to fulfil their potential and achieve success.
  • We want our pupils to learn how to be effective learners. Understanding how they learn is also important to us and we encourage the children to aspire to be the best that they can be- the very best version of themselves.
  • Reading is key and we promote this throughout school in as many ways as we can. When children leave us in Year 6 we hope that we have helped to develop a love of reading with the intention that they become lifelong readers.
  • We want our children to understand the value of education and instil in them a commitment to lifelong learning.


Curriculum Implementation- the teaching activities we use to teach our curriculum, how we teach our curriculum



Our SMILE theme runs throughout school.  The school ethos, vision and culture is linked to and joined up by SMILE.   Our curriculum is planned and delivered with specific reference to SMILE.  The children are beginning to understand their learning processes and preferences and can discuss it within the school SMILE context.  They are developing their ability to think about their thinking – meta-cognition.  Achievements are celebrated in weekly SMILE reflection assemblies.  Meaningful links to SMILE continue to be further embedded, as the whole school curriculum is developed.                                                                  

Broadly, the word ‘smile’ has positive associations.  The children understand the importance that we place on the happiness and well-being of all.  They understand their own feelings and know how to support the well-being of their peers.  They understand that there are times when everyone ‘loses their smile’ for a time and know how to seek help.

More specifically, we use SMILE to support the children in understanding and talking about aspects of learning, the range of talents we have and the kind of activities that appeal to and support us. All curriculum areas are planned for and delivered, making specific reference to these five broad areas:



  • Key vocabulary forms the basis of new learning.  Vocabulary is taught and defined.  Speaking and listening opportunities embed understanding 
  • Use of new vocabulary can be used to support formative and summative assessment
  • Questions identify and clarify misconceptions, further understanding and encourage deeper / wider thinking
  • Debate encourages open mindedness and challenges thinking.  Children understand that they are able to modify their own thinking in light of new learning and understanding


  • Learning can be a dynamic activity
  • Sensory / movement breaks aid concentration and support learning
  • Physical skills are a part of learning and are valued
  • Understanding can be gained, embedded and shared through mediums such as drama and dance
  • Gross and fine motor activities are planned for.  These activities are designed to support motor skill progress, but also used as a vehicle for learning in the wider curriculum
  • Varied learning activities acknowledge and support the varying abilities and disabilities of all


  • Empathy is a key skill in all subject areas.  Children are encouraged to reflect upon cause and effect, feelings of self and others and plan for change
  • Using technical and descriptive vocabulary, children are encouraged to reflect upon and visualise aspects of their learning
  • Children are encouraged to invent and to make predictions about the future
  • Aspirations for self and the wider world are encouraged within each specific subject area


  • Facts and ‘sticky knowledge’ are valued. 
  • Key concepts in each curriculum are clear and set out in clear progression.  Children discuss their knowledge and understanding before new learning and can reflect upon their own progress and success
  • Children are part of their own target setting
  • Children show increasing awareness of the importance of knowledge, skills and understanding in all curriculum areas
  • Children can express preferences for the kind of learning activities that they enjoy and learning activities that they feel are the most useful to them; in this way they can have input into future lessons (metacognition)
  • Through an awareness of their own learning preferences, children become motivated learners, who show a growing ability to take an ownership of their learning


  • Each subject fosters an enjoyment of delving deeper and wider into areas of study
  • Children are encouraged to question their learning and are provided with opportunities to initiate independent enquiry
  • Research skills are taught within a context, allowing for future independent study
  • Diversity and difference are reflected and celebrated in all curriculum areas
  • Each curriculum area in isolation, and as a whole, expands the horizons, experiences and aspirations of the children


  • A range of Quality First Teaching strategies are embedded across the school to support all learners in the class. Those with additional needs in any of the 4 areas have additional targeted and monitored support, which may include resources, equipment, interventions and support from external agencies.  


Curriculum Impact- what our pupils learn from the curriculum

In addition to our pupils making excellent academic progress throughout their time at Chuter Ede and becoming resilient learners, it is crucial that our children are happy and find enjoyment and inspiration in their curriculum. Through quality first teaching and an all inclusive approach, all groups of children regardless of ability, culture and background can find success and achieve to their full potential.

The impact of our curriculum should empower our pupils to believe that they can:-

  • be the best that they can be.
  • be self aware.
  • have their interest sparked in subjects which they can pursue in later life.
  • be confident readers who read for pleasure and purpose.
  • be whatever they want to be and have an awareness of future possible careers.
  • be equipped with all the skills required to fulfil their own personal potential and contribute positively to society.


And they are able to:-

  • form and maintain meaningful, positive and healthy relationships through effective communication and empathy.



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