As we launch into the last half term of this school year, some children will be returning to school. They will still need to be thinking about keeping their distance, being 2m apart whenever they can.
We think you will like the story about two friends, Hedgehog and Tortoise who can’t hug while they are apart.
Often while we’re in school, we are talking about being kind and a good friend. Now more than ever, lots of people are showing kindness in many different ways.
We have been exceptionally proud of Georgia Chester in our Year 2 Fernwood Class. She has had a piece of her writing published in a book called Kindness where she shared how kindness to her is all about FRIENDSHIPS. We are lucky to have many, many special friends in our classes but we love how Georgia has captured her thoughts.
So this week we will be thinking again about the people who are special to us and we have lots of activities for you based on the story While We Can’t Hug.
Click on the links below to find activities linked to lots of different curriculum areas.
Please enjoy Georgia’s take on ‘kindness’...
For all you budding writers out there!!
You could have a go at retelling the story and use all your amazing writing skills to make it even better!!
You could include Amazing Adjectives, Super Openers, Creative use of Conjunctions and wonderful descriptions of the characters and setting. We can't wait to read you stories!!