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Welcome to

Chuter Ede

Primary School

"Valuing everyone and aiming for our best"

Week 8 20.7.20

Welcome to our final week of the summer term and our final week of Year 2! 

What a most unusual time we've shared....communicating through or Home Learning pages, enjoying our emails and our phone calls.

We hope that you will enjoy the final tasks that we have created for you. 

As always.... we will really look forward to your emails this week. 

Please do take the time to look at the photographs of your classmates and to read the stories written by your peers on the main Year 2 page.

Last week's Poll Question was "Would you rather live at home or in the Rainforest?"


I think your parents and carers will be delighted to read that all of you that responded wanted to stay at home! These are our favourite reasons!

  • I would rather live at home because I know how to live at home and it is safe at home, in a rainforest I would be far away from shops and different places. I would miss my family and it would be hard to live there because I don't know where food is or other stuff. 
  • I would rather live at home because then it’s safer and you won’t get hurt by the wild animals. You can sleep in your nice warm bed and you get more rest and sleep and it might be a little noisier in a rainforest, 
  • "I would rather live at home as it is more comfortable and I am safer from jaguars". Safer not safe! Haha! 
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