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Welcome to

Chuter Ede

Primary School

"Valuing everyone and aiming for our best"

Year 3



Welcome to Year 3!

In Year 3, we have three classes - one based at the Fernwood site and two in Balderton.  Use our Year 3 page to find lots of information and links to useful websites to help you with your learning. 


Members of Staff in Year 3 

Balderton Teachers and Teaching Assistants 


Miss C Donald with Mrs V Parker   

Miss L Osmond with Mrs E Reynolds and Mrs S Morley


Fernwood teachers and teaching assistant

Mrs Atkinson and Mrs Page with Miss G Cowan


Our topics this year:

  • Eat well to grow well. (Science based)
  • Walk like an Egyptian (History based)
  • Can you feel the force? (Science based)
  • Yabba-dabba-doo! (History and Science based)
  • Magnificent Mountains (Geography based)
  • Grow well and BEE happy (science based)

Throughout all of our topics we link in as many different subject areas as possible (eg: Art, DT, music) to create a cross curricular approach to learning.


Useful things to remember:

  • PE kits are to be worn to school on Wednesday.   PE will be outdoors on Wednesday afternoons. 
  • From September Fernwood Site only will be swimming on Thursday morning.  After the February half term, Balderton children will be having their turn swimming on Thursday mornings.   Children will need to come in their swimming kit every Thursday morning with their P.E kit on top. Please remember this is a one piece costume for girls and tight/fitted trunks for boys. No jewellery is to be worn and long hair needs to be tied back.
  • Remember to bring a water bottle into school each day.
  • Times Table Rockstars – please practise these every week at home.  
  • Try to read a book and practise your spellings regularly at home too.(Spellings are 10 per half term of 61 Yr 3 statutory spellings)




Year 3 Timetable and Curriculum Overview

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