Mrs Bernadette Hunter - our Head Teacher
Hello. I'm Mrs Hunter and I'm very happy and proud to be the Head Teacher at Chuter Ede. I have worked in education for 27 years now. I have worked at Chuter Ede for 23 years and it never feels dull or stale! Every day brings new challenges and excitement and I can honestly say I love my job and am very privileged to be part of such a talented team of staff with such lovely children and supportive parents. Our Governing Body has changed over the years but we have always been fortunate to be supported by a group of skilled, knowledgeable and friendly team of Governors.
I enjoy living and working in our local community- a community I have been part of for many years.
Together with the Chuter Ede team we strive to make every day count and to make a difference to the lives of the young people and families we work with. When children leave us in Year 6, our aim is that they are equipped personally and academically to further develop in their lives and contribute positively to society, aspiring to be the very best that they can be.
I welcome any feedback about our school and am always keen to enhance communication between us. I very much promote an "open door" policy and look forward to seeing you around our Balderton and Fernwood sites.
Mrs Rachel Revill - Head of School at Fernwood
Hello, my name is Mrs Revill. I am extremely proud to have been a part of Chuter Ede Primary School for over thirteen years. As Head of School at our Fernwood site my role is ensure that our fabulous children are happy, working hard and enjoying learning. I am easily contactable via the school office and am eager to help with the small things and address any issues quickly. I look forward to seeing you around school.
Mr Tim Head - Head of School at Balderton
Hello, my name is Mr Head. I am proud to be the Head of School for the Balderton site. Earlier in my 20+ year career I have been a teacher at both school sites before returning to this wonderful school as Head of School.
I have been a headteacher at another school and know the importance of building strong relationships with all members of the school community. If you ever need to ask me anything you can get in touch via DOJO, or just come and have a chat with me on the gate!
Tim Head
Head of School
Chuter Ede Primary School (Balderton)
01636 683550