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Chuter Ede

Primary School

"Valuing everyone and aiming for our best"

Week 1 1.6.20

This week we are looking at some of the BBC bitesize daily lessons.
Lesson 1 - Counting to 50 and back to 0
Lesson 2 - Counting in steps of 2
Lesson 3 - Comparing numbers using the greater than and less than symbols. Start by playing a game of mucky monsters smiley
Lesson 4 - Number bonds to 10

Lesson 5 - can you have a go at writing numbers 0-9? Remember to start in the right place and get them all the right away around! 


You could do this in all sorts of ways - in sand, with water and a paintbrush, paint them, make the numbers with sticks, trace them, the list is endless!


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