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Chuter Ede

Primary School

"Valuing everyone and aiming for our best"


Welcome back Home Learners to the Topic area this week! 

If you are ready to get involved with a little more Rainforest Topic.... then here we go!

Let us continue thinking about researching some of our ‘favourites’ and then how we might present any information or facts we know for others to read and learn from.  You could fact-find and present about one of your favourite animals, birds, amphibians, reptiles or insects.

This week, to help us, we are going to look more closely at a simple non-fiction text about a bird in the Rainforest.  The web link below shares a book called Toucans.  We hope you will recognise the features of a non-fiction text......can you remember what they are and tell your grown-up at home?

Did you notice: the layout and the photos rather than drawn illustrations?

                         the Contents page?

                         the bold ‘topic’ words and the Glossary?

                         the sub-headings?

                           the Index page?


We want to learn how to NAVIGATE Non-Fiction texts to find the information we want.  We can read from front to back, cover-to-cover for interest, or we might use the Contents or the Index pages to retrieve particular information.

Where will you find the Contents and Index pages in a Non –Fiction book?

If we were to ask “Find out about what  Toucans like to eat”.  You would not necessarily need to read the pages about What are Toucans? could NAVIGATE straight to page ? to read and retrieve the answer.


Can you recall and check back with the video to identify the bold topic words missing from the Glossary? 

Remember the Glossary works in alphabetical order from the top to the bottom.

Now you can choose....If you would like to complete a could:

Make your own Non-fiction book about Toucan.... or another favourite bird, animal, reptile, amphibian or insect in the rain-forest


If not a book, you might like to present your facts on a single fact-file page, or on little fact cards that could be treasury tagged together.


If you like TOUCAN, 

we have some Toucan Art ideas this week.  The Key Worker children in school made some super colourful paper plate painted Toucans.  Have a look at their creations - maybe you have a spare paper plate to turn into a Toucan this week? 


If you would like to try some alternative Toucan art, you could follow one, two or all three of the ‘How to Draw’ follow instructions.

If like me, you are fascinated by the different types of Toucans with their different coloured bills, design each Toucan differently on this page, using felt-tips, crayons, paints or even sticking!

Finally, there are some Toucan colouring pages of different designs, including a paint by number. 



You might like to look at some different here are a few.
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